On Easter Sunday (April 21st 2019) there were a series of bombings in Sri Lanka that killed over 250 people and injured many more. Three of the eight targeted locations were christian churches where Easter services were ongoing and led to the death toll including many children. This was such a major tragedy that struck
Last year, a prophetic pattern involving the number 3 was observed surrounding several events around Easter time. At the time we made the observations, we did not know what to make of the pattern that was clearly visible. We now have the same pattern manifesting in relation to the recent US Super Bowl game that
In the last few days, we have witnessed events that demonstrate that the world of the occult is alive and well and is actively working to bring about the establishment of the antichrist as the world leader. “How could this be?” you might be wondering. Well, as will be shown, the battle to have Judge
On the 5th of March, a friend named Eric Twebaze shared a dream that he had that he felt was a warning. He gave me his permission to share this dream and it was as follows, “Last night I had a dream. I have been having dreams in the past but this was like no