On December 21st 2020 during the winter solstice, there was a conjunction of two planets, Jupiter and Saturn that excited many who called it the “Christmas star”. They linked it to the biblical sign that is mentioned in the bible that heralded Jesus’ birth. The two planets were the closest they had been observed from
In the last post, I showed how the Jupiter-Venus conjunction of November 13th 2017 coincided with a major earthquake that occurred in the Middle East with its epicenter in Iran. In 2015, the two planets also had a conjunction which occurred on the 30th of June of that year at the head of Leo, just
Two weeks ago on 13th November, there was Jupiter-Venus conjunction where the planets appeared close together from earth. This conjunction happened in Virgo, the same constellation where the revelation 12 sign occurred on September 23rd 2017. Interestingly, it is thought by some that this could have been the way the Star of Bethlehem that