On the 4th of April 2018, as I was in prayer with my wife, I had a brief vision in which I saw a map of a country being drawn out. The word “Russia” appeared across it. The map was not as large as that of Russia so it may have just been part of
On the 4th of April, as I was in prayer with my wife, I had a brief vision in which I saw a map of a country being drawn out. The word “Russia” appeared across it. The map was not as large as that of Russia so it may have just been part of it.
On the night of 6th January 2011, I prayed and entered bed having just had a quarrel with a friend of mine. I had however apologized to the person and sought to correct things with God too by repenting before I slept off. As I lay in my bed that night trying to dose off,
I had shared in the previous post about dreams that showed that God was delaying the start of the Tribulation. The video below was posted on 20th November on the Midnight Hour Oil YouTube channel confirming the same. Melissa, the presenter often shares revelations that often are in line with what I am also hearing