Last week I shared how a pattern involving the number 3 had showed up in recent events including Passover/Easter and that it wasn’t yet clear what the pattern meant. The number would manifest multiple times in each event. This week, it happened again. President Emmanuel Macron of France just concluded a 3 day visit to
Do you believe in coincidences? What does it mean to you when a seemingly unrelated set of events occur in a way that creates a connection between them? I believe that God speaks through such events and such occurrences actually demonstrate the existence of a Super Intelligence that not only knows the future, but is
On the morning of February 8th, i had a short dream in which i saw the word Passover written across my field of view. When awoke, I wondered what God could have been trying to communicate so i started by looking up the date of Passover this year on the Jewish calendar. I found that