Billy Graham was to die just before rapture according to 2013 dream!

On February 21st, Billy Graham who was considered one of the most influential Preachers of the 21st century died. According to Wikipedia, Graham preached the gospel to more people in person than anyone in the history of Christianity. When I heard of the news of his death, I immediately remembered a dream that Steven DeNoon of Israeli News Live uploaded on YouTube on May 19, 2013. This is part of what he shared in the first few minutes of that video,

….my passion and my desire is to get the gospel that God puts in my heart out to as many people as we can around the world because truly the hour is late, its extremely late. Last night for example, the Lord woke me up about 3 0’clock in the morning and it was after having an incredible dream and it was a rapture related dream. The people were gathering together preparing for the rapture and just very interesting indeed. One very interesting thing though that happened while I was in this dream, I don’t know who it was but someone came up to me and said that Billy Graham will die shortly before the rapture. So that’s something that I guess that we can be looking for as well. (see video at the end which is 24 minutes long)

Later in the video Steven shares about Psalm 27 in which he does a study of verse 5 which he interprets as a prophecy about the rapture by King David. The verse says,

For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. (New International Version)

What is striking is that on the morning of the 24th of January, I also had a dream in which I was looking up at the sky and I saw a large house high up in the air. It was lit up on the inside. I realized heaven had opened up and the rapture was about to occur in the following moments. I started to repent in order to prepare and not be left behind. I made a post about this dream here.

The dream I had was also pointing to the fact that Jesus, our Rock is coming to take us and hide us in heaven (Gods dwelling place) from the time of great suffering that is coming upon the earth  very shortly and that we need to prepare and to preach to the lost. The cohesion between my dream and Stevens video cannot be coincidence but God confirming His Word. Jesus told us what we should be doing to get ready in Luke 21:34-36,

Don’t spend all of your time thinking about eating or drinking or worrying about life. If you do, the final day will suddenly catch you  like a trap. That day will surprise everyone on earth.  Watch out and keep praying that you can escape all that is going to happen and that the Son of Man will be pleased with you.” (Contemporary English Version)

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